RPG Power Trading Company Limited

RPTCL offers Bid Advisory services for selling of Power (both conventional and renewable power) on short/medium/long term basis under DBFOO basis/(erstwhile Case -1/2 Route) and/or bilateral route to various distribution companies/other bulk power consumers. We offer services of Bid Preparation, Bidding Strategies, Analysis of Power Sector Dynamics, Market Intelligence, Market Dynamics, Tariff Trends and other vital inputs to facilitate decision-making and for successful bidding. We also give support and consultancy towards successful execution of short/long/medium term PPA and associated activities.

RPTCL offers to off-take Power (both conventional and renewable power) on mid-term and/ or long term based on the specific requirements of Power project while maximizing the returns to the project developer. RPTCL would work closely with Power (both conventional and renewable power) developers to minimize off-take risks by providing assistance in choosing the right mix of Power sale on short, medium and long term horizons. RPTCL also facilitates buyers and sellers of power (both conventional and renewable power) through advisory services to achieve mutual understanding to execute sell and purchase agreements, which optimally compliments each other's requirements.